Corso di


Primo anno accademico2019-20


Prof. Riccardo Marino


Basic Control Tools

Bounded- input bounded- output linear systems. Pole placement theorem for controllable and observable linear systems. Luenberger observers for observable systems. Design of dynamic compensators for linear systems. Integral feedback control to reject constant disturbances. PID control. System inverses for minimum phase linear systems. The combination of feedback and feedforward control actions.

Advanced Control Tools

Linear approximations of nonlinear control systems about operating conditions. The definition of region of attraction for an operating condition. Output feedback compensators with integral actions to control a nonlinear systems about a given operating condition. Liapunov matrix equations to determine quadratic Liapunov functions and assess the region of attraction. The definition of sensitivity transfer function and its properties. The gang of four: sensitivity, complementary sensitivity, load sensitivity and noise sensitivity funtions. How to determine the robustness of a control loop using the gang of four functions. Bode’s integral formula and the limitations imposed by unstable open loop poles. Youla parametrization to design stable compensatiors. Kalman filters, Riccati equations and robust control design.

Control Design for Multivariable Nonlinear System

Relative degree for a single input single output nonlinear system. State feedback control design for input-output linearization. State feedback linearization when the relative degree is equal to the state space dimension. The definition of nonlinear inverse systems. Relative degrees or decoupling indices for multivariable (multi-input, multi-output) nonlinear systems. The definition of the decoupling matrix. State feedback control design for input-output linearization when the decoupling matrix is full rank using the Penrose pseudoinverse. State feedback linearization when the sum of relative degrees is equal to the state space dimension and the decoupling matrix is full rank.

Control of Specific Mechanical System

Active suspensions: design of an integral control action to reject low frequency sinusoidal disturbances

Inverted pendulum on a cart: design of a stabilizing control and of a tracking control

Kinematic bicycle steering model with front and rear steering: dynamic analysis and control design both for stabilization and tracking

Whipple model for a bicycle: dynamic analysis when the rear speed varies.

Planar robot: design a tracking control for a circle at high angular speed

Rectilinear motion in a space: design of a Kalman filter (penalty kick)

Redundant control of Euler equations with four independent torque inputs

Nonlinear models and control of electric vehicles with in-wheel motors

Lezioni 2024-25

Il corso si tiene nel primo semestre.
L'orario e le aule delle lezioni sono di seguito visualizzati. Sono tuttavia da considerarsi provvisori fino all'inizio delle lezioni.
Con T (Telematica) è indicata un'aula virtuale.
8.30 - 9.15     
9.30 - 10.15    Aula B7
10.30 - 11.15    Aula B7
11.30 - 12.15Aula C8   Aula B11
12.30 - 13.15Aula C8   Aula B11
14.00 - 14.45     
15.00 - 15.45     
16.00 - 16.45     
17.00 - 17.45     
18.00 - 18.45     


Questa sezione riassume le statistiche relative alle votazioni di profitto ottenute dagli studenti dall'anno accademico 2010-11 ad oggi. I dati sono aggiornati frequentemente, ma non in tempo reale. Essi si riferiscono comunque soltanto agli esami sostenuti da studenti iscritti al Corso di Laurea o Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica.
Nel calcolo sono inclusi gli esami dello stesso corso con diverso codice.
Il 30 e lode è considerato come 31 nel calcolo della media e dello scarto quadratico medio.
Numero esami2
Voto minimo26
Voto massimo30
Media dei voti28,00
Scarto dei voti2,82
Media votazioni per anno accademico
Anno accademicoEsamiMedia